A central problem for cognitive science is to understand how agents represent the information that enables them to behave in sophisticated ways. One long-standing concern is whether representation is localized or distributed (roughly, "spread out"). Two centuries ago Franz Josef Gall claimed that particular kinds of knowledge are stored in specific, discrete brain regions, whereas Pierre Flourens argued that all knowledge is spread across the entire cortex (Flourens 1824; Gall and Spurzheim 1809/1967). This debate has continued in various guises through to the present day (e.g., Farah 1994). Meanwhile, the concept of distribution has found mathematical elaboration in fields such as optics and psychology, and the rise of connectionist models has generated interest in a range of related technical and philosophical issues.
In the most basic sense, a distributed representation is one that is somehow "spread out" over some more-than-minimal extent of the resources available for representing. Unfortunately, however, this area is a semantic mess; the terms local and distributed are used in many different ways, often vaguely or ambiguously. Figure 1 sketches the most common meanings.
Figure 1 Seven ways to represent the word "cat," illustrating varieties of local and distributed representation.
Suppose that we have some quantity of resources available for representing items, and that these resources are naturally divisible into minimal chunks or aspects. Connectionist neural processing units are obvious examples, but the discussion here is pitched at a very abstract level, and the term "unit" in what follows might just as well refer to bits in a digital computer memory, single index cards, synaptic interconnections, etc.
The reader seeking a detailed illustration of these ideas may care to examine the well-known "verb-ending" paper of Rumelhart and McClelland (1986). In that case, verb-base and past-tense forms are represented by sparse distributed patterns over pools of units. Individual units represent microfeatures (ordered triples of phonetic features) in strictly local fashion. Because these triples overlap, the scheme is also coarse.
With these various distinctions on board, we can return to the central question: is human knowledge represented in distributed form? This question has been approached at a number of levels, ranging from detailed neurophysiology to pure philosophy of mind. Thus, neuroscientists have debated whether the patterns of neural firing responsible for representing some external event are a matter of single cells (Barlow 1972) or patterns of activity distributed over many cells; if the latter, whether the patterns are sparse, dense, or coarse-coded (e.g., Földiák and Young 1995). At a higher level, they have debated whether knowledge is distributed over large areas of the brain, perhaps in equipotential fashion (LASHLEY 1929/1963), or whether at least some kinds of knowledge are restricted to tightly circumscribed regions (Fodor 1983).
These issues have also been pursued in the context of computer-based cognitive modeling. Connectionists have paid considerable attention to the relative merits of distributed versus local encoding in their networks. Advantages of distribution are generally held to include greater representational capacity, content addressibility, automatic generalization, fault tolerance, and biological plausibility. Disadvantages include slow learning, catastrophic interference (French 1992), and binding problems.
In a famous critique of connectionist cognitive science, Fodor and Pylyshyn (1988) argued that connectionists must either implement "classical" architectures with their traditional symbolic representations or fail to explain the alleged "systematicity" of cognition. The standard connectionist response has been to insist that they can in fact explain systematicity without merely implementing classical architectures by using distributed representations encoding complex structures in a nonconcatenative fashion (e.g., Smolensky 1991).
Implicit in this connectionist response is the idea that distributed representations and standard symbolic representations are somehow deeply different in nature. For millennia, philosophers have attempted to develop a taxonomy of representations. At the highest level, they have usually distinguished just two major kinds -- the generically linguistic or symbolic, and the generically imagistic or pictorial. Is distribution just an accidental property of these more basic kinds, or do distributed representations form a third fundamental category?
Answers to questions like these obviously depend on exactly what we mean by "distributed." The standard approach, as exemplified in the preceding discussion, has been to define various notions of distribution in terms of structures of correspondence between the represented items and the representational resources (e.g., van Gelder 1992). This approach may be misguided; the essence of this alternative category of representation might be some other property entirely. For example, Haugeland (1991) has suggested that whether a representation is distributed or not turns on the nature of the knowledge it encodes.
It has been argued that some of the most intransigent problems confronting orthodox artificial intelligence are rooted in its commitment to representing knowledge by means of digital symbol structures (Dreyfus 1992). If this is right, there must be some other form of knowledge representation underlying human capacities. If distributed representation is indeed a fundamentally different form of representation, it may be suited to playing this role (Haugeland 1978).
Barlow, H. B. (1972). Single units and sensation. Perception 1:371-394.
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