Control Theory

The modern development of automatic control evolved from the regulation of tracking telescopes, steam engine control using fly-ball governors, the regulation of water turbines, and the stabilization of the steering mechanisms of ships. The literature on the subject is extensive, and because feedback control is so broadly applicable, it is scattered over many journals ranging from engineering and physics to economics and biology. The subject has close links to optimization including both deterministic and stochastic formulations. Indeed, Bellman's influential book on dynamic optimization, Dynamic Programming (1957), is couched largely in the language of control.

The successful use of feedback control often depends on having an adequate model of the system to be controlled and suitable mechanisms for influencing the system, although recent work attempts to bypass this requirement by incorporating some form of adaptation, learning, or both. Here we will touch on the issues of modeling, regulation and tracking, optimization, and stochastics.

The oldest and still most successful class of models used to design and analyze control systems are input-output models, which capture how certain controllable input variables influence the state of the system and, ultimately, the observable outputs. The models take the form of differential or difference equations and can be linear or nonlinear, finite or infinite dimensional. When possible, the models are derived from first principles, adapted and simplified to be relevant to the situation of interest. In other cases, empirical approaches based on regression or other tools from time series analysis are used to generate a mathematical model from data. The latter is studied under the name of "system identification" (Willems 1986). To fix ideas, consider a linear differential equation model with input vector u, state vector x, and output y

Equation 1

Such models are of fundamental importance because they not only capture the essential behavior of important classes of linear systems but also represent the small signal approximation to a large class of strongly nonlinear systems. Questions of control often center around the design of an auxiliary system, called the "compensator" or "controller," which acts on the measurable variable y to produce a feedback signal that, when added to u, results in better performance. The concepts of controllability, observability, and model reduction play a central role in the theory of linear models (Kalman et al. 1969; Brockett 1970).

There are important classes of systems whose performance can only be explained by nonlinear models. Many of these are prominent in biology. In particular, problems that involve pattern generation, such as walking or breathing, are not well modeled using linear equations. The description of numerically controlled machine tools and robots, both of which convert a formal language input into an analog (continuous) output are also not well modeled by the linear theory, although linear theory may have a role in explaining the behavior of particular subsystems (Brockett 1997, 1993).

Regulation and Tracking
The simplest and most frequently studied problem in automatic control is the regulation problem. Here one has a desired value for a variable, say the level of water in a tank, and wants to regulate the flow of water into the tank to keep the level constant in the face of variable demand. This is a special case of the problem of tracking a desired signal, for example, keeping a camera focused on a moving target (see STEREO AND MOTION PERCEPTION), or orchestrating the motion of a robot so that the end effector follows a certain moving object. The design of stable regulators is one of the oldest problems in control theory. It is often most effective to incorporate additional dynamic effects, such as integral action, in the feedback path, thus increasing the complexity of the dynamics and making the issue of stability less intuitive. In the case of systems adequately modeled by linear differential equations, the matter was resolved long ago by the work of Routh, and Hurwitz, which yields, for example, the result that the third-order linear, constant-coefficient differential equation

Equation 2

is stable if a, b, and c are all positive and ab - c ≥ 0. Motivated by feedback stability problems associated with high-gain amplifiers, Nyquist (1932) took a fresh look at the feedback stability problem and formulated a stability criterion directly in terms of the frequency response of the system. This criterion and variations of it form the basis of classical feedback compensation techniques as described in the well-known book of Kuo (1967). In the case of nonlinear systems, the design of stable regulators is more challenging. Liapunov stability theory (Lefschetz 1965) provides a point of departure, but general solutions are not to be expected.

A systematic approach to the design of feedback regulators can be based on the minimization of the integral of some positive function of the error and the control effort. For the linear system defined above this might take the form

Equation 3

which leads, via the calculus of variations, to a linear feedback control law of the form u = - BTKx, with K being a solution to the quadratic matrix equation AT K + KA - KBB T K + Q = 0. This methodology provides a reasonably systematic approach to the design of regulators in that only the loss matrix Q is unspecified. Different types of optimization problems associated with trajectory optimization in aerospace applications and batch processing in chemical plants are also quite important. A standard problem formulation in this latter setting would be concerned with problems of the form

Equation 4

Chapter 7 of Sontag (1990) provides a short introduction including a discussion of the relationships between DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING and the more classical Hamilton-Jacobi theory.

The Kalman- Bucy (1961) filter, one of the most widely appreciated triumphs of mathematical engineering, is used in many fields to reduce the effects of measurement errors and has played a significant role in achieving the first soft landing on the moon, and more recently, achieving closed-loop control of driverless cars on the autobahns of Germany. Developed in the late 1950s as a state space version of the Wiener-Kolomogorov theory of filtering and prediction, it gave rise to a rebirth of this subject. In its basic form, the Kalman-Bucy filter is based on a linear system, white noise (written here as and ) model

Equation 5

The signal Cx is generated from the white noise as by passing it into the linear system, although it is not observed directly, but only after it is corrupted by the additive noise . The theory tells us that the best (in several senses including the least squares) way to recover x from y is to generate an estimate using the equation

Equation 6

with P being the solution of the variance equation

Equation 7

The development of similar theories for counting processes, queuing systems, and the like is more difficult and remains an active area for research (Brémaud 1981).

See also

Additional links

-- Roger W. Brockett


Airy, G. B. (1840). On the regulator of the clock-work for effecting uniform movement of equatoreals. Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society 11:249-267.

Bellman, R. (1957). Dynamic Programming. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Brémaud, P. (1981). Point Processes and Queues. New York: Springer.

Brockett, R. W. (1970). Finite Dimensional Linear Systems. New York: Wiley.

Brockett, R. W. (1993). Hybrid models for motion control systems. In H. Trentelman and J. C. Willems, Eds., Perspectives in Control. Boston: Birkhauser, pp. 29-54.

Brockett, R. W. (1997). Cycles that effect change. In Motion, Control and Geometry. Washington, DC: National Research Council, Board on Mathematical Sciences.

Hurwitz, A. (1895). Über die Bedingungen, unter welchen eine Gleichung nur Wurzeln mit negativen reellen Theilen besitzt. Mathematische Annalen 46:273-284.

Kalman, R. E., and R. S. Bucy. (1961). New results in linear filtering and prediction theory. Trans. ASME Journal of Basic Engineering 83:95-108.

Kalman, R. E., et al. (1969). Topics in Mathematical System Theory. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Kuo, B. C. (1967). Automatic Control Systems. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Lefschetz, S. (1965). Stability of nonlinear control systems. In Mathematics in Science and Engineering, vol. 13. London: Academic Press.

Maxwell, J. C. (1868). On governors. Proc. of the Royal Soc. London 16:270-283.

Minorsky, N. (1942). Self-excited oscillations in dynamical systems possessing retarded action. J. of Applied Mechanics 9:65-71.

Nyquist, H. (1932). Regeneration theory. Bell Systems Technical Journal 11:126-147.

Sontag, E. D. (1990). Mathematical Control Theory. New York: Springer.

Willems, J. C. (1986). From time series to linear systems. Automatica 22:561-580.