Supervised Learning in Multilayer Neural Networks

Neural networks consist of simple processing units that interact via weighted connections. They are sometimes implemented in hardware but most research involves software simulations. They were originally inspired by ideas about how the brain computes, and understanding biological computation is still the major goal of many researchers in the field (Churchland and Sejnowski 1992). However, some biologically unrealistic neural networks are both computationally interesting and technologically useful (Bishop 1995).

A typical processing unit first computes a "total input," which is a weighted sum of the incoming activities from other units plus a bias. It then puts its total input through an activation function to determine the activity of the unit. The most common activation function is the logistic, y = 1/1 + exp(- x). For deterministic analog units the activity that is communicated to other units is simply y. For binary stochastic units, y determines the probability that the activity of the unit is 1 rather than 0. For binary threshold units, the activity is 1 if the total input is positive and 0 otherwise. Sensory input to the network is typically handled by fixing the activities of some "input" units.

The most interesting property of NEURAL NETWORKS is their ability to learn from examples by adapting the weights on the connections. The most widely used learning algorithms are supervised: they assume that there is a set of training cases, each consisting of an input vector and a desired output or output vector. Learning involves sweeping through the training set many times, gradually adjusting the weights so that the actual output produced by the network gets closer to the desired output. The simplest neural network architecture consists of some input units with directed, weighted connections to an output unit. Such networks were extensively studied in the 1960s because there are very simple learning algorithms that are guaranteed to find the optimal weights when the output unit uses a linear or binary threshold activation function (Widrow and Hoff 1960; Rosenblatt 1962). Unfortunately, such simple networks can only compute a very limited class of functions (Minsky and Papert 1969). They cannot, for example, compute the exclusive- or of two binary inputs.

The limitations of simple networks can be overcome by adding one or more intermediate, "hidden" layers of nonlinear units between the input and the output. The architecture remains feedforward, with each unit only receiving inputs from units in lower layers. With enough hidden units in a single layer, there exist weights that approximate arbitrarily closely any continuous, differentiable mapping from a compact input space to a compact output space. Finding the optimal weights is generally intractable, but gradient methods can be used to find sets of weights that work well for many practical tasks. Provided the hidden units use a nonlinearity with a well-behaved derivative, an algorithm called "backpropagation" (Rumelhart, Hinton, and Williams 1986) can be used to compute the derivatives, with respect to each weight in the network, of the error function. The standard error function is the squared difference between the actual and desired outputs, but cross-entropy error functions are more appropriate when the outputs represent class probabilities.

For each training case, the activities of the units are computed by a forward pass through the network. Then, starting with the output units, a backward pass through the network is used to compute the derivatives of the error function with respect to the total input received by each unit. This computation is a straightforward application of the chain rule and is as efficient as the forward pass. Given these derivatives, it is easy to compute the derivatives of the error function with respect to the weights.

There are many different ways of using the derivatives computed by backpropagation. In "on-line" learning, the weights are adjusted after each training case in proportion to the derivatives for that case. In "batch" learning, the derivatives are accumulated over the whole training set and then the weights are adjusted in the direction of steepest descent in the error function, or in some more sensible direction computed by a technique such as momentum, conjugate gradients, or delta-bar-delta. The simple on-line method is the most efficient for very large training sets in which the data are highly redundant, but batch conjugate gradient is faster and easier to use for small training sets. There are also constructive methods that add hidden units one at a time while keeping the incoming weights of earlier hidden units frozen (Fahlman and Lebiere 1990).

Feedforward neural networks that have one or more layers of logistic hidden units and are trained using backpropagation have worked very well for tasks such as discrimi-nating similar phonemes (Lang, Waibel, and Hinton 1990) or recognizing handwritten digits (Le Cun et al. 1989; see also PATTERN RECOGNITION AND FEEDFORWARD NETWORKS). Performance is significantly improved if natural symmetries of the task are imposed on the network by forcing different weights to have the same values.

When training data are limited, a complicated network with a large number of weights is liable to overfit: it performs very well on the training data, but much less well on test data drawn from the same distribution. On the other hand, a simple network with few weights may perform poorly on both training and test data because it is unable to approximate the true function (Geman, Bienenstock, and Doursat 1992). Many different methods have been developed for optimizing the complexity of the network. If part of the training data is held out as a validation set, it is possible to try different numbers of hidden units and to pick the number that gives best performance on the validation set. The "early stopping" method, which is appropriate when computational resources are limited, stops the training of a complicated network as soon as its performance on the validation set starts to deteriorate. Another way of limiting the complexity of a network is to add a penalty to the error term. The simplest such penalty is the sum of the squares of the weights times a penalty coefficient, . This can be viewed in Bayesian terms as a zero-mean Gaussian prior which favors networks that have small weights. can be chosen using a validation set but this wastes training data and is awkward if different values of are required for the input-to-hidden and hidden-to-output weights. MacKay (1995) has developed Bayesian methods that estimate an appropriate without using a validation set.

Performance can almost always be improved by averaging the outputs of many different networks each of which overfits the data. Finding the appropriate weights to use when averaging the outputs can be viewed as a separate learning task (Wolpert 1992). The benefits of averaging increase as the networks' errors become less correlated so it helps to train networks on different subsets of the data (Breiman 1994). Training a net on data that earlier nets get wrong is an effective way of focusing computational resources on the difficult cases (Drucker, Schapire, and Simard 1993).

When fitting a network to data it is usual to search for a single good set of weights. The correct Bayesian method, by contrast, computes the posterior probability distribution over weight vectors and then combines the predictions made by all the different weight vectors in proportion to their posterior probabilities. MacKay's methods approximate the posterior by constructing a Gaussian distribution around each of a number of locally optimal weight vectors. Neal (1996) describes an efficient Monte Carlo method of approximating the full, multimodal posterior distribution. Rasmussen (1996) demonstrates that Neal's method gives better performance than many other neural network or statistical methods, but that it is no better than an equivalent statistical approach called Gaussian Processes.

Many varieties of feedforward net have been investigated. Radial basis function (RBF) networks use hidden units whose activations are a radially symmetrical function of the distance between the input vector and a mean vector associated with the unit (Broomhead and Lowe 1988). The usual function is a spherical Gaussian, but they can be generalized to have different variances on each input dimension or to have full covariance matrices. RBF networks can be fitted using the gradient computed by backpropagation. Alternatively, the means and variances of the hidden units can be set without reference to the desired outputs by fitting a mixture of Gaussian density models to the input vectors, or by simply using some of the training input vectors as means.

For tasks in which the data are expected to come from a number of different but unknown regimes, it is advantageous to use a "mixture of experts" architecture containing a different network for each regime and a "gating" network that decides on the probability of being in each regime (Jacobs et al. 1991). The whole system is trained to maximize the log probability of the correct answer under a mixture of Gaussian distributions, where each expert computes the input-dependent mean of a Gaussian and the gating network computes the input-dependent mixing proportion. Each expert can specialize on a specific regime because it only receives significant backpropagated gradients for cases where the gating network assigns it a significant mixing proportion. The gating network can discover the regimes because it receives backpropagated derivatives that encourage it to assign the expert that works best for each case. With a hierarchy of managers, this system is a soft version of decision trees (Jordan and Jacobs 1994).

See also

-- Geoffrey Hinton


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