Game theory is a mathematical framework designed for analyzing the interaction between several agents whose decisions affect each other. In a game-theoretic analysis, an interactive situation is described as a game: an abstract description of the players (agents), the courses of actions available to them, and their preferences over the possible outcomes. The game-theoretic framework assumes that the players employ RATIONAL DECISION MAKING, that is, they act so as to achieve outcomes that they prefer (VON NEUMANN and Morgenstern 1944). Typically, preferences are modeled using numeric utilities, and players are assumed to be expected utility maximizers.
Unlike decision making for a single agent, in the multiagent case this assumption is not enough to define an "optimal decision," because the agent cannot unilaterally control the outcome. One of the roles of game theory is to define notions of "optimal solution" for different classes of games. These solutions assume that players reason strategically, basing their decisions on their expectations regarding the behavior of other players. Typically, players are assumed to have common knowledge that they are all rational (see MODAL LOGIC).
A large part of game theory deals with noncooperative situations, where each player acts independently. In such a game, a strategy si for player i specifies the action player i should take in any state of the game. A solution to the game is a strategy combination s1, . . . ,sn satisfying certain optimality conditions.
Most abstractly, a situation is represented as a strategic form game, where the possible strategies for the players are simply enumerated. Each strategy combination s1, . . . , sn leads to some outcome, whose value to player i is a payoff ui(s 1, . . . , sn). A two-player strategic form game is often represented by a matrix where the rows are player 1 strategies, the columns are player 2 strategies, and the matrix entries are the associated payoff pairs.
The simplest game is a two-player zero-sum game, where the
players' interests are completely opposed (see figure 1). Because any
gain for one player corresponds to a loss for the other, each player
should make a worst-case assumption about the behavior of the
other. Thus, it appears that player 1 should choose the
maximin strategy that achieves that achieves
player 2 has an analogous rational strategy
. Common knowledge of
rationality implies that the "rational" strategy of one player will be
known to the other. However,
may not be optimal against
making it irrational for player 1 to play as anticipated. This
circularity can be avoided if we allow the players to use
randomness. In game (a), player 2 can play the mixed strategy
where he chooses heads and tails each with probability
1/2. If each player plays the maximin mixed strategy
we avoid the problem:
are in
equilibrium, that is, each is optimal against the other (von Neumann
and Morgenstern 1944).
The equilibrium concept can be extended to general n-player
games. A strategy combination ...
is said to
be in Nash equilibrium (Nash 1950) if no player i
can benefit by deviating from it (playing a strategy
). In game
(b), the (unique) equilibrium is the nonrandomized strategy
combination (confess, confess). An equilibrium in mixed strategies is
always guaranteed to exist.
The Nash equilibrium is arguably the most fundamental concept in noncooperative games. However, several problems reduce its intuitive appeal. Many games have several very different equilibria. In such games, it is not clear which equilibrium should be the "recommended solution," nor how the players can pick a single equilibrium without communication. One important mechanism that addresses these concerns is based on the assumption that the game is played repeatedly, allowing players to adapt their strategies gradually over time (Luce and Raiffa 1957; Battigalli, Gilli, and Milinari 1992). This process is a variant of multiagent REINFORCEMENT LEARNING. Some variants are related to BAYESIAN LEARNING (Milgrom and Roberts 1989). Others are related to the evolution of biological populations, and have led to a branch of game theory called evolutionary games (Maynard Smith 1982).
Figure 1 (a) Flipping Pennies. (b) Prisoner's Dilemma: Two conspirators, in prison, are each given the opportunity to confess in return for a reduced prison sentence; the payoffs correspond to numbers of years in prison.
Furthermore, many equilibria are unintuitive. In game (b), the Nash equilibrium has a utility of -8, -8, which is worse for both players than the "desired" outcome -1, -1. There have been many attempts to find alternative models where the desired outcome is the solution. Some success has been achieved in the case of infinitely repeated play where the players have BOUNDED RATIONALITY (e.g., when their strategies are restricted to be finite-state AUTOMATA; Abreu and Rubenstein 1992).
A more refined representation of a game takes into consideration the evolution of the game. A game in extensive form (Kuhn 1953) is a tree whose edges represent possible actions and whose leaves represent outcomes. Most simply, the players have perfect information -- any action taken is revealed to all players.
The notion of equilibrium often leads to unintuitive results when applied to extensive-form games. For example, in game (a), the strategy combination (R, a) is one equilibrium: given that player 2 will play a, player 1 prefers R, and given that player 1 plays R, player 2's choice is irrelevant. This equilibrium is sustained only by a noncredible "threat" by player 2 to play the suboptimal move a. The extensive-form equilibrium concept has been refined to deal with this issue, by adding the requirement that, at each point in the game, the player's chosen action be optimal (Selten 1965). In our example, the optimal move for player 2 is b, and therefore player 1's optimal action is L. This process, whereby optimal moves are selected at the bottom of the tree, and these determine optimal moves higher up, is called backward induction. In the context of zero-sum games, the algorithm is called the minimax algorithm, and is the fundamental technique used in GAME-PLAYING SYSTEMS.
Figure 2 (a) Unintuitive equilibrium. (b) Flipping Pennies.
The extensive form also includes imperfect information games (Kuhn 1953): the tree is augmented with information sets, representing sets of nodes among which the player cannot distinguish. For example, a simultaneous-move game such as Flipping Pennies can be represented as in figure (2). Clearly, imperfect information games require the use of randomization in order to guarantee the existence of a Nash equilibrium. Refinements of the Nash equilibrium concept addressing the temporal sequencing of decisions have also been proposed for imperfect information games (Kreps and Wilson 1982; Selten 1975; Fudenberg and Tirole 1991), largely based on the intuition that the player's actions must be optimal relative to his or her beliefs about the current state.
Game theory also deals with cooperative games, where players can form coalitions and make binding agreements about their choice of actions (von Neumann and Morgenstern 1944; Luce and Raiffa 1957; Shapley and Shubik 1953). In this case, the outcome of the game is determined by the coalition that forms and the joint action it takes. The game-theoretic models for such situations typically focus on how the payoff resulting from the optimal group action is divided between group members. Various solution concepts have been proposed for coalition games, essentially requiring that the payoff division be such that no subgroup is better off by leaving the coalition and forming another (see Aumann 1989 for a survey).
Game theory is a unified theory for rational decision making in multiagent settings. It encompasses bargaining, negotiation, auctions, voting, deterrence, competition, and more. It lies at the heart of much of economic theory, but it has also been used in political science, government policy, law, military analysis, and biology (Aumann and Hart 1992, 1994, 1997). One of the most exciting prospects for the future is the wide-scale application of game theory in the domain of autonomous computer agents (Rosenschein and Zlotkin 1994; Koller and Pfeffer 1997).
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